Why the Rich are Getting Richer, by Kiyosaki (2017)

The key to riches Borrow, avoid tax, service be courageous When I picked up “Why the Rich are Getting Richer” by Robert Kiyosaki (2017), I was hoping for some kind of attempt to explain the growing wealth and income inequality. Kiyosaki (2017) certainly suggests it will in the “bonus section” at the front of the book. In the end, however, Robert Kiyosaki’s book is on how to stay rich, with some general tips on getting rich in the first place....

January 12, 2021 · Phil D

The Face of God by Roger Scruton (2014)

The only escape from loneliness, even for God, total gift of self WIP: Just like software developers, I want to get something out there, then improve it later. This post needs a major overhaul. Why? What is the meaning of life? The classic philosophical question, and like all philosophical questions, it depends on where you start from. Lonely and distracted The problem of whether I am alone or not, a key part of life’s meaning, is as old as humanity, (or even eternal if you bring God into it, but we’ll get there later), but our response to the problem has changed rapidly in recent history....

January 1, 2021 · Phil D